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YKI online: 6 weeks, 18 evening classes 17.30 - 18.30. Price 195 euros
Suomen kieli Finnish language

The Finnish language. What is it like?
(I love it!)

vokaaliharmonia vowel harmonyt

Vowel harmony.

The Finnish language has back vowels (a, o, u) and front vowels (ä, ö, y).


Front and back vowels cannot occur in a same word.

Mid vowels (e, i) can occur with both back and front vowels.

astevaihtelu eli kpt-vaihtelu

Some Finnish words have a strong and a weak form.

Gradiation occurs in some of the nouns, verbs and adjectives, but not all of them.

Many meanings in one word. Finnish is an agglutinative language.
In Finnish words meaningful parts of expression are added to the end of the word instead of constructing the meaning by prepositions.

This is the first reason Finnish has a reputation of being difficult language and having long words.


In Finnish words meaningful parts of expression are added to the end of the word instead of constructing the meaning by prepositions.

yhdyssanat combined words

Combined words / portmanteau words

The second reason why Finnish has a reputation of having long and difficult words.

kuusi verbityyppiä six verb types

Six types of verbs.

However, most of them are types 1, 3 and 4. Okay… Some very important ones are type 2.

paljon äänteenmuutoksia a lot of changes in letters

Many changes in letters.

Gradiation and word types are the main reason for this.

jokainen kirjain on tärkeä every single letter carries meaning

Every letter counts.

It might change the meaning dramatically.

Be aware!

rektio eli yksi sana tarvitsee toisen sanan tietyssä muodossa


Some verbs, nouns and adjectives need a specific form of the following word. 

ei artikkelia, ei sukupuolta no articles, no gender

No article. No gender.

The Finnish language has been noted as a one

of the most important factors in gender equality.

We are proud of that.

paljon uusia sanoja yhdestä sanasta a lot of new words of one word

Rich derivation.

One word enlarges into many different forms.

A noun becomes an adjective and a verb.

A verb becomes many different forms of a noun.

Koko kieli vai tärkein osa

Good news!

Learn the most usable and useful part of the language first. Don´t get devastated by aiming for perfection. You will learn more in time.

First take a grip of the everyday language to get along in your new environment.

puhekieli spoken language

Spoken language.

In fact, there are two Finnish languages: the one you write and the one you speak.

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