YKI-treeni online: 6 viikkoa, 18 oppituntia ti, ke ja to 17.30 - 18.30 | 190 euroa
YKI online: 6 weeks, 18 evening classes 17.30 - 18.30. Prize 190 euros
tekstiklinikka text clinic

Tekstiklinikka, suomen kieli (S2)


Yksityisopetus 30 min

yksityisopetus private teaching 30 min

YKI-treeni online 6 viikkoa / 6 weeks


(7 customer reviews)
Kielitaitovaatimus / Language Proficiency Requirement: A2.2 – B2
Seuraavat kurssit / Next Courses: 


YKI-testi perjantai 4.10.2024
-kurssi 26.8. – 4.10.2024 (ti, ke, to 19-20)  KURSSILLA ON TILAA.
Huom! Kurssin aika on kello 19 – 20


YKI-testi 9.11.2024
-kurssi 30.9. – 8.11. 2024 (ti, ke, to 17.30 – 18.30)  KURSSILLA ON TILAA.


YKI-testi: 25.1.2025 (Ilmoittaudu YKIin 2.1. klo 10.00)

Kurssi: 9.12.2024 – 24.1.2025 (ti, ke, to 17.30 – 18.30)
Huom! Kurssilla on joululoma 23.-29.12.



YKI-testi: 29.3.2025 (Ilmoittaudu YKIin 3.2. klo 10.00)

Kurssi: 17.2. – 28.3.2025 (ti, ke, to 17.30 – 18.30)



YKI-testi: 24.5.2025 (Ilmoittaudu YKIin 7.4. klo 10.00)

Kurssi: 14.4. – 23.5.2025 (ti, ke, to 17.30 – 18.30)



Kirjoita tilaukseen, mille kurssille haluat osallistua.
Please write in your order, which course you want to participate.

YKI-testi ja oppikirja eivät kuulu kurssin hintaan.
YKI test and study book are not included in the price.

Hinta sisältää 24 % alv:n. / The price includes vat 24 %.

Hinta ilman alvia / The price without vat.  153,30 e


Klikkaa linkkiä ja maksa kurssi / Click the link and enroll to the course

Maksulinkki / Payment Link

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Harjoittelet keskitason Yleisen kielitestin tehtävätyyppejä viitenä päivänä viikossa.

Online-tapaaminen kolme kertaa viikossa. Lisäksi saat sanastoa ja lukemisen ja kuuntelemisen itsenäisiä tehtäviä opettajalta.

  • Iltatunnit: tiistai, keskiviikko ja torstai 17.30 – 18.30
  • Itsenäiset opiskelut: sanasto maanantaina ja lukeminen tai kuunteleminen perjantaina
  • Verkkoharjoitukset ryhmässä kontaktissa kokeneen opettajan kanssa
  • Simulaatiometodi puhumisessa: saat realistisen kokemuksen YKI-tilanteesta
  • Päähuomio on tuottamisen taidoissa: puhumisessa ja kirjoittamisessa
  • Saat kurssilta itseluottamusta YKI-testiin. Tiedät jo, mitä pitää tehdä eri tehtävissä ja voit keskittyä antamaan parhaan suorituksesi suomen kielessä.
  • Pääset kurssin verkkosivulle harjoittelemaan sanastoa heti, kun olet maksanut kurssimaksun.

Maanantai: Opiskelet viikon teemasanastoa. Saat myös esimerkkilauseita jokaisesta sanasta ja linkin oppimispeliin. Itsenäinen opiskelu.

Tiistai: Tapaamme verkossa ja harjoittelet puhumisen tehtävätyyppejä kuin olisit YKI-testissä. Saat tunnin jälkeen mallivastaukset kirjoitettuna. Online-tunti kello 17.30 – 18.30.

Keskiviikko: Tapaamme verkossa ja harjoittelet puhumisen tehtävätyyppejä kuin olisit YKI-testissä. Saat tunnin jälkeen mallivastaukset kirjoitettuna. Online-tunti kello 17.30 – 18.30.

Torstai: Tapaamme verkossa. Opettaja kertoo viikon kielioppiasian ja harjoittelet kirjoittamista. Saat mallivastauksen kirjoitettuna ja yksilöllisen palautteen opettajalta tekstistäsi. Online-tunti kello 17.30 – 18.30.

Perjantai: Saat linkin lukemisen tai kuuntelemisen aineistoihin ja harjoituksiin. Itsenäinen opiskelu. Saat oikeat vastaukset harjoitukseen viikonloppuna.

Kurssimaksusta palautetaan 50 %, jos perut osallistumisen ennen kurssin alkua.
Jos perut osallistumisen, kun kurssi on alkanut, kurssimaksua ei palauteta.

Kurssi on suunniteltu isolle ryhmälle. 
Voit hankkia yksilöllistä tukea opettajalta kurssin aikana.



Gimara: Ykäänkö vai Ykiinkö. Highway to hill.
OpeMarin opiskelijana saat paperikirjan Gimaran verkkokaupasta ilman postikuluja. Gimaran verkkokaupassa kirja on edullisin. Saatavana paperikirja tai pdf. 

Muistathan, että vain paperikirjan voi myydä eteenpäin, kun et enää tarvitse sitä.

Voit lainata kirjan kaverilta tai kirjastosta.

Voit tarkistaa, löytyykö kirja sinun kirjastosi Ellibs-verkkokirjastosta.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

In English

Online meeting three times a week. In addition, you will receive vocabulary and reading and listening practices as independent assignments from the teacher.

  • Evening classes: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 17.30 – 18.30. 
  • Independent studies: vocabulary on Mondays, reading or listening on Fridays
  • Online contact training in a group with a real and experienced teacher present
  • Simulation method in speaking: you will get a realistic experiment of YKI situation
  • The main focus is on productive skills: speaking and writing
  • The course gives you confidence to give your best in Finnish language at YKI. You’ll already know what kind of assignments there are and know what to do.
  • As soon as you have purchased the course, you get access to course’s website to start practising the vocabulary.


Mondays: You study the vocabulary of the weekly theme,  including example sentences of each word and a fun learning game. Independent studies.

Tuesdays: We meet online and you practice similar assignments like in YKI in speaking. It’s almost like you already were in YKI! After the class, you’ll receive written examples of possible answers. Online class 17.30 – 18.30 o’clock.

Wednesdays: We meet online and you will practice similar assignments like in YKI in speaking. It’s almost like you already were in YKI! After the class, you’ll receive written examples of possible answers Online class 17.30 – 18.30 o’clock.

Thursdays: We meet online. A teacher is telling you about the grammatic of the week, and you will practice similar assignments like in YKI in writing. You will also get a written example of possible answer and individual feedback on your own text from the teacher. Online class 17.30 – 18.30 o’clock.

Fridays: You receive a link to the reading or listening practice of the week. Independent studies. You receive the right answers to assignments during the weekend.


If you cancel participation to the course before the course starts, 50 % of the course fee will be refunded.
After course has started, the course fee will not be refunded.


Course is designed for a big group. 
Additional individual support can be purchased during the course. 



Gimara: Ykäänkö vai Ykiinkö. Highway to hill.

As a student of OpeMari, you can purchase the paperback version without postal fee in Gimara Shop. 

In Gimara webstore the book is also in the most affordable price. 

Please note, that you can sell only the paperbook after you don’t need it anymore. 

You can borrow the book from the library or from your friend

Check also, if you can find a book from Ellibs online library

7 reviews for YKI-treeni online 6 viikkoa / 6 weeks

  1. Ahalya (verified owner)

    it’s an excellent course if you’re looking to pass YKI. besides feeling better about my odds of passing, Mari’s gentle and practical approach has given me the motivation to study more, develop self confidence and not fear the test. My Finnish skills have grown exponentially in the last few weeks. HIGHLY RECOMMEND! 🙂

  2. Artemiy Utekhin

    I’ve got all 4s on the keskitaso test, so the result speaks for itself really.

    The hardest part of YKI is, I would say, timing (many tasks are severely timeboxed), as well as certain tricky assignment formats such as “maintaining dialogue with a recording”. Accordingly, this course makes you so familiarized with the exam that nothing will surprise you come the test day. You will be able to focus on the actual “meat” of the assignments, already having a gut feeling of what is expected and what you can fit into the allotted time. It helps a lot.

    While having exercises correlating to all parts of the test, the course focuses more on the “productive skills”, especially speaking, as it tends to be the most challenging aspect. Mari speaks very clearly, so if you can listen to YLE selkouutiset, you will have no problem understanding everything (and of course everything important is discussed in English as well).

    There will be a lot of people in this course, and because of that it cannot be super interactive during the live lessons, but it’s what makes the course cost-effective.

    Having a tight schedule helped me also with motivation, as I didn’t have time to forget about the studies, and it’s in the evening, which is very convenient when you have a day job. This course was a perfect fit for me. Kiitos paljon Mari! 🙏

  3. Evren Sertac Eksi

    This was my third time taking the YKI exam, and I hadn’t passed any of the test parts before. With this great course, I was able to get a 3 in listening, reading, and writing. All in all, as an experienced YKI test taker, I highly recommend the course. It, of course, depends on your attention and the time you put into studying and understanding the test materials, but this course is an excellent leverage for the time you spend studying before the YKI exam. Mari Kokkonen, who was my teacher during the course, did great work. She was able to pass her confidence to us by not only teaching the exam topics but also teaching us how to approach the exam questions. Good teachers can teach the students the topics and chapters, but excellent teachers will give them confidence and teach them how to approach the questions, use their time efficiently, and direct their focus to the things they know rather than the things they don’t.

  4. Maria (verified owner)

    Mari is best teacher to training for YKI and also you need to train yourself to reach your goal. Mari will give all information and resources for it. With Mari I passed the exam from the first time. I definitely recommend this course to my friends!!!

  5. Majid

    This course is the kick-start you need to start speaking and writing Finnish. It gives one the confidence to start practicing which is the best way to learn a language.

  6. Sergei

    The “YKI-treeni online” course is a powerhouse of motivation! From the very first lesson, we dove into analyzing the challenges we might face in the real exam. It demands significant effort for independent work, but that’s the beauty of it—no teacher can implant knowledge in your head if you don’t want it yourself. It’s crucial to have at least an A2 level before joining, as this course is designed to enhance your existing knowledge, not build it from scratch.

    The teacher’s dedication was outstanding. We tackled every unclear issue in great detail. Even when class time ran out, our discussions continued online, ensuring all questions were answered. By the time I faced the real exam, I had no doubts about how to pass it. The only question was whether I could handle the pressure—and yes, I could! I am eternally grateful to the Mari for her invaluable support in this challenging journey.

  7. morteza kavakebi (verified owner)

    My focus before the course was the speaking, and this course brings right material and focuses on practice. it was exactly what i wanted.

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