Moi! Minä olen Mari, suomen kielen opettaja
Valmistaudutko YKI-testiin?
Haluatko oppia puhumaan suomea?
Tarvitsetko lisää harjoitusta kirjoittamisessa?
Saanko auttaa sinua?
Olen suomen kielen maisteri ja kokenut verkko-opettaja.
Äidinkieleni on suomi.
In English: Are you getting ready for YKI test? Do you want to learn communicate in Finnish? Do you need more practice in writing? May I help you? I have a master’s degree in Finnish language and I am an experienced online teacher. I am a native Finnish teachern





Mitä opiskelijani sanovat?

"Opiskelin hänen 6 viikon YKI-treenikurssilla. Se auttoi minua todella paljon YKI-testissä. Sanastoni lisääntyi enkä ole enää ujo, kun puhun tai kirjoitan tekstin suomeksi. Hän todella piti huolta kaikista opiskelijoista ja varmisti, että opiskelijat ovat hyvin valmistautuneet ennen YKI-testiä. Jos et vielä tiedä, missä opiskella, tsekkaa hänen kurssit."
- Thien

The teacher’s dedication was outstanding. We tackled every unclear issue in great detail. Even when class time ran out, our discussions continued online, ensuring all questions were answered. By the time I faced the real exam, I had no doubts about how to pass it. The only question was whether I could handle the pressure—and yes, I could! I am eternally grateful to the Mari for her invaluable support in this challenging journey.
- Sergei

Mari is an exceptional teacher who combines skill, dedication, passion, and empathy in her teaching. Her deep understanding of Finnish and her patient, encouraging approach have made our sessions both enjoyable and effective. Each lesson is well-structured and tailored to my needs. Mari’s enthusiasm and empathy create a supportive environment. Her passion for teaching inspires my enthusiasm for learning Finnish. I wholeheartedly recommend Mari’s private sessions. Her commitment to her students’ success is unparalleled, making the learning experience both meaningful and rewarding.
- Mehrad

I passed YKI on my first attempt with three 3s and one 4, and I believe this course was the reason. I’ve been living in Finland for 6 years now, studying Finnish on and off in short courses and trying to learn some on my own. I’ve felt stuck on the A2.2-B1 plateau for ages, and although my grammar knowledge was decent, my vocabulary and knowledge of how to use the language in different situations weren’t. The way Mari structured this course and presented YKI to us made me confident about what to expect when the test day came, helping immensely with my anxiety and on what I needed to direct my focus to. Mari is a dedicated and friendly teacher, who cares about the students. The simple fact that she kept in touch with us after the end of the course to hear about our results already proves that. I highly recommend this course, especially if you have a decent command of the language and want to polish your skills in the best way to pass the exam.
- Mariana

Mari is best teacher to training for YKI and also you need to train yourself to reach your goal. Mari will give all information and resources for it. With Mari I passed the exam from the first time. I definitely recommend this course to my friends!!!
- Maria

Everyone knows Marie is the best teacher when it comes to training for YKI Test Preparation so I do not need to say that. I have taken my YKI test just two days ago and I was the same person who was not even able to make a single sentence 3 months ago. Marie’s way of teaching gave me confidence and she pushed me to my limits to speak, speak , speak and speak. She has lot of experience and I think that she understands the psychology of foreigners really well that why foreigners are hesitant to speak Finnish. Most importantly he has the solution of it as well.
- Husnain Ahmed

Your passion for teaching and dedication to your students truly shine through in every lesson. The way you explained everything motivated me. Thanks so much for your support. Opettaja Mari, Your passion for teaching shines through… I would definitely recommend Opettaja Mari., Your teaching style is genuinely remarkable, and I feel fortunate to have been in your class.
- Ava

I’ve got all 4s on the keskitaso test, so the result speaks for itself really. The hardest part of YKI is, I would say, timing (many tasks are severely timeboxed), as well as certain tricky assignment formats such as “maintaining dialogue with a recording”. Accordingly, this course makes you so familiarized with the exam that nothing will surprise you come the test day. You will be able to focus on the actual “meat” of the assignments, already having a gut feeling of what is expected and what you can fit into the allotted time. It helps a lot. While having exercises correlating to all parts of the test, the course focuses more on the “productive skills”, especially speaking, as it tends to be the most challenging aspect. Mari speaks very clearly, so if you can listen to YLE selkouutiset, you will have no problem understanding everything (and of course everything important is discussed in English as well). There will be a lot of people in this course, and because of that it cannot be super interactive during the live lessons, but it’s what makes the course cost-effective. Having a tight schedule helped me also with motivation, as I didn’t have time to forget about the studies, and it’s in the evening, which is very convenient when you have a day job. This course was a perfect fit for me. Kiitos paljon Mari! 🙏
- Artemiy Utekhin

Mari developed a program which provides amazing – 100% preparation for the YKI test. I would recommend it for everyone, who plans to pass it!
- Alina

"YKI-treeneissä Marin kanssa harjoittelimme tehtäviä erilaisissa kokeissa (lukeminen, kuunteleminen, kirjoittaminen ja puhuminen). Me analysoimme tilanteet tarkasti ja Mari näytti esimerkkejä ja vastauksia. Testin aikana olin rauhallinen, koska tehtävät ja tilanteet olivat tuttuja. Se on todella hyvä kokemus tehdä testi hyvin! Kiitos!"
- Aleksandra

"I trained with Mari for my YKI exam in 2022. What stood out to me was her energy. She has a way of making work fun. I trained in a group online in the evening. The group comprised people with different language skill levels and Mari was able to cater to everyone's individual training needs effectively. Mari is also quite culturally sensitive which makes her a great choice for people with diverse backgrounds."
- Adero
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